The Night Series is a response the abscense of spaces within the city that provide a source of inspiration and support through the experience and process of others.

Our intention is to curate a platform that encompasses panels, talks, performances, and intimate salon-style dialogues, each designed to feel of personal, approachable and informative.

We open the floor to you to present your work, process, experiences, failures and discoveries for the brevity of an evening. This could take shape sonically, visually, physically, through narration or a combination of all. We want you to have control of how this unfolds, but we're also here to help.

Keeping it informal but experimentally engaged— welcoming feedback, criticism, Q+A’s and observations from the public sphere.

We have a microphone, speakers, projector, extension cords, tables and chairs. We'll designate a small part of the space to share your work/presentation. If you would like to bring objects, research materials, references or samples to share during/after the presentation we can arrange the space to accommodate.

Since this is all designed to happen in one evening, set up and break down should be simple and focused on the material at hand. We’ll encourage the participants to stay and connect through music and bevs.

All in all, we really feel called to activate the community in a new way, especially here in Portland. These nights are experiments and we trust you in going along for that ride.

Here are some past events we've done.
Let us know what you think & feel. We're open.

things we have:
the space
ext. cords
30-60+ min presentation
audience interactive